Munch and Mingle
Welcome to the only podcast that you are encouraged to talk and eat at the same time (: I’m McKenna and I've got some things to talk about as well as some people to talk too. Will there be laughing? Most definitely. Crying? Probably. Good talks? Always. Food? Every single episode. (: I'm so happy you are here, let's get to mingling!
Munch and Mingle
The 4th Quarter - Bake Believe Chocolate Chips
McKenna Hogan
Season 3
Episode 72
The Pep talks of all Pep talks is here...well okay, a McKenna styled pep talk is here!
We are almost exactly 3 months away from ending 2024 and if you know me, you know I am a planner, which means, let's get to planning!
As always, after the summer detox I feel we need a good reset and I promise you are not going to want to miss this one!
Don't forget to text me! Tell me what your final goal of the year is!
Howdy, Hey, Hello… Text Me here and let me know what you thought of this episode!
Insta: @munchandminglepodcast
E-mail: munchandminglepodcast@gmail.com