Munch and Mingle
Welcome to the only podcast that you are encouraged to talk and eat at the same time (: I’m McKenna and I've got some things to talk about as well as some people to talk too. Will there be laughing? Most definitely. Crying? Probably. Good talks? Always. Food? Every single episode. (: I'm so happy you are here, let's get to mingling!
Munch and Mingle
TIMH - Epi 4 + Red Gravy
McKenna Hogan
Season 2
Episode 66
And here we are again on the roller coaster ride that is through McKenna's head.
Today I will be talking and catching you up on all things that have been going on during my 1st trimester of this 3rd pregnancy, a quick little pep talk on preparing for the Holiday Season and lastly, a topic that I heard this last week referring to the "Gray Area" and just what I think about that.
And don't forget to check out this episode's sponsor, BetterHelp, and click this link for 10% off your first month of Therapy!
Howdy, Hey, Hello… Text Me here and let me know what you thought of this episode!
Insta: @munchandminglepodcast
E-mail: munchandminglepodcast@gmail.com