Munch and Mingle

The Real Deal About Health & Wellness - Britton + Green Goodness Smoothie

McKenna Hogan Season 2 Episode 56
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00:00 | 45:45

Surprise! He's back! Mr. Munch & Mingle! And he's graduated! In none other than Exercise Science/Wellness so I pick Britt's brain on what is such a hot topic right now.
To give you a hint, it's pretty simple, but that's the beauty of this life, isn't it?

We tackle on 4 different Blocks that we feel make up "good health" Britton is so passionate about this topic and I can't wait for you to hear it!

As always, we don't know your specific health diagnosis, so just know we are speaking in a very general way, so before making any drastic changes to your lifestyle or diet,  you should always check with your specific doctor or health professional!

Howdy, Hey, Hello… Text Me here and let me know what you thought of this episode!

Insta: @munchandminglepodcast


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