Munch and Mingle
Munch and Mingle
Get Your Kids In Swimming Lessons - Alliesha Reber + Chocolate Covered Pretzels
This is an episode that every parent needs to hear for sure, but after listening through it multiple times (because yes, it's just that good) everyone needs to hear it!
I talk with Alliesha today who is the owner of the Aquatics Academy, a swim school in South Jordan, Utah. Alliesha goes through how water has played a big part in her life, how her and her husband turned an old rec center into what is now known as The Academy/Aquatics Academy and how the very program she and her staff teach to kids, is the very thing that saved her own son's life.
*Warning - During this episode, Alliesha explains two stories of children who found themselves in water without adult help, but were able to survive, thanks to Alliesha's method of survival float. This is a very raw and emotional part of the episode and can be very triggering to anyone who has lost a loved one to drowning. If you would like to skip through this, it begins at 28:32 - 32:28.
If you can, I highly suggest listening through these stories as it does bring an awareness and urgency on the issue of helping kids learn to survival float/swim as soon as possible!*
I'm so grateful to Alliesha for coming on and all she and her team is continuing to do to help so many families, including ours!
Instagram: @aquatics.academy
If you would like to see the statistics on drowning that Alliesha mentioned in this episode, you can view those here:
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Insta: @munchandminglepodcast
E-mail: munchandminglepodcast@gmail.com