Munch and Mingle
Welcome to the only podcast that you are encouraged to talk and eat at the same time (: I’m McKenna and I've got some things to talk about as well as some people to talk too. Will there be laughing? Most definitely. Crying? Probably. Good talks? Always. Food? Every single episode. (: I'm so happy you are here, let's get to mingling!
Munch and Mingle
Passion Week - Easter Sunday
McKenna Hogan
Season 2
Episode 51
We've made it to Sunday! Easter Sunday! I'm so grateful to have had y'all along for the ride this week and just pray that you feel God's Spirit today ( and always) and rejoice in the fact that we have a Savior and He is Risen!
Passion Week Devotional:
Scriptures mentioned:
Luke 24: 1-9, John 20: 11-23, 3 Nephi 11: 3-10, 14-15
Music included in this episode:
Mark Magnuson - Easter Morning (Instrumental Music Acoustic Guitar) : 'I Know That My Redeemer Lives', 'How Great Thou Art', 'Be Still My Soul'
Cain - Rise Up : 'The Commission'
Howdy, Hey, Hello… Text Me here and let me know what you thought of this episode!
Insta: @munchandminglepodcast
E-mail: munchandminglepodcast@gmail.com